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Welcome to My Reality!

My Reality is the longest single owned tattoo studio in Calloway County. Our goal is to give everyone amazing quality work and for everyone to have fun in the process. Comfort, we strongly believe that your experience at My Reality should be very comfortable and enjoyable.


Artist portfolios we all have long portfolio books, but My Reality is the only studio in the area that also displays our work on a large flat screen. We would NEVER use photo shop to make our work look better then it is! Here at My Reality we want to turn your tattoo dreams into Reality and design the perfect tattoo for you, so have a seat on the couch while one of the artists works with your ideas.

Tattoo Room

Piercing Room

Tattoo Room
All three tattoo rooms are design for comfort, quality, and high health standards. The rooms are also private not out in the open. The piercing room is also designed for comfort, quality, high health standards and privacy. With the only female piercer in the area.
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